Chechnya massacre

I don’t have much to say about the tragedy in Chechnya, other than that my heart goes out to the families whose loved ones were hurt or killed there. The world mourns with them.

Mark Noonan writes:

With President Bush up by 11 percentage points in two polls; with the economy adding 144,000 new jobs last month; with terrorists in Iraq and Chechnya showing us what is really at stake in this election; with John Kerry proving himself ever more inept on the campaign trail, it stands to reason that our Democrats will go to their ready stand-by: The politics of personal destruction.

I realize that Mr. Noonan’s point is entirely different than what I’m about to ask, but somehow it seems related on several levels, even if it is only a tangential relationship. So, here goes:

How long it will take for the hard left to make a connection – an amazingly cynical connection – between the Chechan school siege and the looming U.S. elections?

Can’t you just see the Democrat Underground, and other voices of progressive irrationality, slinging out wild accusations that this tragedy is a carefully orchestrated attempt by Karl Rove and his cronies to influence the election?

UPDATE: I see someone has already made the leap to connecting this tragedy to (Russian President) Putin. Yes, okay, it’s a satire, but still… it makes you think.

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