A web of connections

Blogs for Bush puts together a web of connections… nay, a web of direct links between Kerry/Edwards, billionaire financier George Soros, various 527 groups, and even convicted mobster Donnie Shacks aka Dominic Montemarano. (With thanks to Polipundit)

Whether or not you thought that the allegations of Bush-SBVT connections had any merit at all, this is a must see.

On the subject of connections, Kerry-Edwards has already shown they’re going to overplay their hand on the connection angle. Their first card? An internet ad that all but asserts an outright Bush-SBVT connection. Of course, any such connection would not be allowed by the Federal Election Commission. (Really, Sen. Kerry, just who is desperate here?)

And finally, there seems to be some issue with Bush “supporters” funding the Swift Boat Veterans for Truth. I mean, really, who did they expect to fund the ads? Veterans for Kerry ’04? Nader for President? Really, guys, you must come up with something a little more definitive. Your “web of connections” is a pathetic attempt to respond to the charges that have been leveled against John Kerry. You should have seen this coming.

UPDATE: The Wisconsin State Journal has their own spin on this (though it’s hardly original). [NOTE TO the Kerry-Edwards campaign: Make sure you either put the facts in the hands of your defenders, or instruct them to keep quiet when they’re tempted to invoke the phrase “slime machine.” I know that’s what you believe, but seriously, do you think the undecided voters are buying it?]

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